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Entries matching the category "stephen%20goulding"
Election Heating Up Now
Posted on May 04, 2009 by Alan Kelly

Another day, another two counties knocked out on the canvassing trail. The Fair in Kilmallock was busy today as was I and James Heffernan – a fantastic local election candidate. Every Labour candidate across the country now is full of energy, buoyed on by the amazing response on the doorstep and the natural momentum we have gained over the past year. The Labour team is hungry for success and James will deliver I have no doubt. He comes from a strong hurling family and he possesses the same hunger for success that has made the Heffernan name famous.
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Canvassing in West Limerick/Listowel
Posted on April 09, 2009 by Alan Kelly

Today I was canvassing in West Limerick and I visited Adare, Rathkeale, Newcastlewest, Abbeyfeale and Listowel. It was a hectic but productive day. Today re-iterated to me again the quality of candidates that we have standing in the local elections for the Labour party across Munster.
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On the Canvass Trail in Newcastlewest
Posted on February 17, 2009 by Alan Kelly

I was out canvassing recently with our local election candidate in Newcastlewest, Stephen Goulding.
I go out canvassing with many local election candidates all the time, but this was different. Newcastlewest is an area that to date we have not been strong in, but the reaction towards us was absolutely fantastic.
Stephen is an exceptional candidate.
He is a teacher by profession. HE has so much energy and enthusiasm for canvassing, that it is quite infectious.
I have no doubt that he will be successful in June and he certainly has a good team behind him.
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