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Entries matching the category "broadband"
Posted on July 02, 2010 by Alan Kelly

Following the news that Finland has made broadband access a legal right for every citizen, I believe Ireland must follow their example and make broadband available to every Irish home and business.
Finland made digital history when it became the first country in the world to make broadband a legal right for every citizen.
From 1 July every Finn will have the right to access to a 1Mbps (megabit per second) broadband connection.
What we need now is an urgent review of Ireland’s broadband strategy. Ireland lags way behind the rest of Europe when it comes to broadband and the problem is worst in rural areas.
Permanent link | Categories: Communications • Foreign & European Affairs • Alan Kelly MEP • Labour • Tipperary • North Tipperary • Broadband • Finland • access • rural infrastructure • communications • Broadband roll out • strategy
New Ideas Campaign and Conferences
Posted on March 07, 2009 by Alan Kelly

Over the last couple of months I have been working on a concept to help stimulate jobs. It is time to be pro-active and I have been looking at ways to promote innovation and give people with new ideas a voice. With this in mind I developed a website called This site is aimed at encouraging new ideas, new concepts, new thinking that will help stimulate new enterprises that will develop the Irish economy and create jobs. This site is dedicated to providing a platform for people with innovative ideas or concepts that are currently finding it very difficult to get support. It will also look at the finance and infrastructural needs of businesses that are trying to get into or compete in sectoral areas where there will be future economic growth.
Permanent link | Categories: Enterprise Trade & Employment • Finance • Limerick • New Ideas • Innovation • Jobs • Broadband