Substantial Funding for Boys National School, Nenagh
Posted by Alan Kelly on November 14, 2012 at 04:04 PM

Pictured after the annoucement outside St. Mary's Junior Boys National School are Mark Hassett, Chairperson of Board of Management, Mary Slattery Principal and Brid Walsh Vice Principal and myself
On Friday last I secured substantial funding for St. Mary's Junior Boys National School, Nenagh. I am delighted that the school has received this critical funding. This money will go towards building resource and mainstream class rooms which are desperately needed. The population in the area has increased greatly over the past number of years and the needs of some of the children in the school have changed, so this funding is a very welcome development indeed. I was delighted to work on behalf of the principal Mary Slattery and the staff of St. Mary's Junior Boys National School to ensure that the school got funding”. The funding has been welcomed by the staff and Board of Management of the school. The work will go out to tender in the near future.
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