Posted by Alan Kelly on November 29, 2010 at 11:01 PM

The Labour Leader Eamon Gilmore TD announcing that Alan Kelly MEP is to seek the Tipp North nomination.
I have formally announced I will be putting himself forward to the local Labour organisation as a candidate for the forthcoming general election. I've made the announcement following a serious of phone calls and meetings with Labour Party Leader Eamon Gilmore last week.
I am honoured to accept Eamon Gilmore’s invitation to put myself forward as a candidate for Labour in North Tipperary. This will be the most important election in North Tipperary and Ireland for a generation and I am delighted that Eamon has requested that I be part of his team for it.
My party's selection convention will be held at 8pm on Friday next in The Ragg. I've been asked by hundreds of people recently to put my name forward and if selected I intend fighting the most vigorous campaign possible as I intend to be part of Labour’s team in Government after the election. I plan to meet as many people as is physically possible in the constituency in the coming weeks and I’ll bring the message that Labour is ready for the challenge and can turn this country around. We’ll be honest with the people.
Pure greed got us where we are today. Greed and stupidity from the political and banking elite who recklessly gambled away our economic sovereignty. Anglo Irish bank should never have been bailed out by this Government. It was the worst economic decision in the history of the state. I’m proud that I and the Labour party were the only party who said this and voted against it. The events of the last few weeks have shown we were absolutely right.
We have too many young people leaving the country due to unemployment; too many elderly people are having their retirement plans reneged on because of Fianna Fail’s incompetence, arrogance and downright lies. Local services and infrastructure in towns and villages are now left in tatters. While North Tipperary has suffered enormously due to its lack of emphasis in Ireland’s national spatial plan and has been haemorrhaging jobs.
People should come first always. The people should come before Fianna Fail, but when you’re dealing with this Government, Fianna Fail and this Government always comes first. Not anymore. We need change and that change can start in North Tipperary
I am extremely proud of my record of delivery as an MEP to date. From securing funds for businesses, getting a change in the North Tipperary regional aid status, securing financing for Dell workers, being at the helm of discussion on the Irish banking and debt problems in Brussels or keeping local farmers informed about the future of the single farm payment, I feel I can bring a lot to North Tipperary and help the local economy from a position of being part of the next Government,"
Labour has a proud tradition of representing the people of North Tipperary. My family is steeped in the Labour tradition. My grandparents were friends of Paddy Tierney TD. My parents drove the roads and walked the streets of North Tipperary because of their admiration for John Ryan T.D, who was the person I looked up when I was getting interested in politics. I hope to build on their legacy by securing a seat in North Tipp'.
This is a unique opportunity for the country to have a Labour lead Government and despite the hole this Government has put us all in, I remain extremely ambitious for Tipperary and for our country. We need to save the people from Fianna Fail. As a young, energetic candidate with a track record I'm proud of, I am offering North Tipperary a real alternative to the old, tired politics of the past. I believe North Tipperary will have a real voice in the next Government if I’m elected”.
For further information contact Alan Kelly on 087-6792859
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