Tipperary New York GAA Dinner Dance
Posted by Alan Kelly on December 11, 2009 at 09:43 PM

Towards the end of my recent US Trip, I had the pleasure of being asked to be the guest speaker at the Tipperary New York GAA Dinner DAnce. The event honoured the 1974 Tipperary New York team that won the championship and there were many well known faces on it. I met many old friends at the event from across the county which went on into the early hours of the morning.
It was a fantastic occasion to meet up with the members of the Club, whom I've met on trips to the US before. Of course many discussions turned to how the Tipperary hurling team under the management of my fellow clubman Liam Sheedy would do next year year. I assured them that I believed that good things come from Portroe and that I believed they were just unlucky not to win the All Ireland this year. I took the opportunity to present the President of the Club, Terese Crowe with a Portroe Club Jersey. It went down well (:
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