GAA/GPA Agreement
Posted by Alan Kelly on December 06, 2009 at 08:50 PM

I welcome this week’s development of the GPA/GAA’s interim agreement. After two months of deliberations both the Gaelic Players Associations and the GAA have reached a compromise which may give way to an alliance. This agreement can protect the GAA’s amateur status while also providing recognition to the GPA as a body which can protect and promote the interests of the players. This is something that I have supported as a member of both organisations for some time.
The history and heritage of the GAA is imbedded in Irish culture and I fully support the need to protect that. However, I wholeheartedly welcome this agreement which can ensure the welfare of the players. The players are the heart of this sport and their interests need to be looked after. I am hopeful that this agreement will be approved by the Central Council at its next meeting on December 5th.
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