Dell Funds Passed by European Parliament
Posted by Alan Kelly on November 24, 2009 at 08:21 PM

This was a very important week in Strasbourg where the European Parliament voted through the European Globalisation Funds for the Dell Workers who lost their jobs early in the year. It also affects related workers from other companies that supplied Dell, such as Banta and Flextronics. I was personally glad that all the lobbying and hard work paid off.
I brought over some of the Dell Workers Association to witness the vote and meet the Committee responsible for pushing the vote through. They met MEP Berez, who is Chairman of the Employment Committee that looks at the European Globalisation Fund. They also met some officials, many MEPs and people with a key interest in their plight. I took the opportunity to introduce the workers to some of the othe Irish MEPs as well.
It was by far the busiest week I've had in Strasbourg since being elected and their was much media work to be catching up on. However, its weeks like this wehn you see something materialise that are worth it. Its over to the Irish Government and Minister Coughlan now to implement the fund quickly as it has to be used within two years of being applied for, which means that the deadline is June 2011. Having arranged meetings with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and EMployment on this issue already, I'm unfortunately not convinced that the Government are as advanced on this issue as they should be at this stage.
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