First Day in Parliament

Posted by Alan Kelly on July 15, 2009 at 12:25 AM

With Regina in Strasbourg
With Regina in Strasbourg

Yesterday was the first day of the new European Parliament in Strasbourg. On a personal level it was a great day for me to finally begin my work as the new MEP for Munster. I felt a sense of history as the first MEP since Eileen Desmond to represent the Labour party in my area. I was also delighted to be part of a new Labour team with Prionsias De Rossa and Nessa Childers.

The first sitting dealt with the administrative issues and elected Jerzy Buzek as the new Parliament president. The deal will ensure that Martin Schulz, the leader of the S&D Group to which the Labour Party is affiliated will be president for the second half of the parliament. The first two days were taken up with much media work and trying to get setup in the new parliament but we seem to be movng at a fairly fast pace which is great.

In the immediate future it is important that we pass the Lisbon treaty in October and that should be the primary concern of all of us who believe that Europe can be one of the main economic engines behind national economic recovery. So lets get to work!


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