Thank You
Posted by Alan Kelly on June 10, 2009 at 11:57 AM

A big thank you to the people of Ireland South for choosing me to represent you in the European Parliament. It is a great honour and a privilege. It was a very enjoyable campaign and one that I will always cherish. I want to thank the thousands of people voted for me. I will do my best at all times to ensure they get the best representation at EU level, whether they are workers, fishermen or farmers. I also believe we can learn an awful lot more from Europe in a progressive way and I intend to demonstrate that.
It would not have been possible to acheive this success without the support of my party leader, Eamon Gilmore and the Labour party members and supporters in Munster. It was a team effort and everyone played their part. I would like to to thank my Director of Elections, Ciaran Lynch. Also, Jan O'Sullivan for nominating me. My election agent Liam Gleeson. Jim McGrath as my press manager did a great job, as did George Cummins who organised my campaign and Jim Hickey for getting me everywhere on time! Last but not least I want to thank my family for their support, particularly my wife Regina.
Finally, I want to thank the other candidates in the field and wish them well for the future.The work begins now!
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