Time Out!
Posted by Alan Kelly on March 15, 2009 at 02:06 PM

Shaen, Tom, Dave, Greg, AK, Brian
Saturday was a day off for me and badly needed! I attended the wedding of one of my best friend's, Gregory (Greg) from Barefield in Co. Clare. greg is one of the best people I know and has been a really good friend to me down the years since we met in UCC in 1993. He's the type of friend you can always rely on and they are the best. He made a great speech (nearly as long as mine at my wedding) as did his brother Ollie, who was best man and Shane McCarthy who was groomsman. So best of luck to him and his bride Nicki.
It was also a time to have a UCC reunion with some of my best friends. UCC had a huge impact on my life. It was here that I suppose I honed my political beliefs, re-formed the UCC Labour branch and met most of my best friends, such as Tom Treacy from Doon (Co. Tipp!), Brian Cronin from Gurtyclooney, Bantry, Shane McCarthy from Carrignavar, Co. Cork, Greg and Dave Gavin (the boss - a Tippman like smyself that I dragged down to Cork from school).
I think its important when you are running in such an intensve campaign like the European elections, taht you take some time out once in a while. It gives you perspective, energy and a reminder that there are loads of other things going on around you that are important to people who are very important to you....
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