Campaign Night Out in Barry's Pub, Douglas, Cork

Posted by Alan Kelly on March 09, 2009 at 10:53 PM

Seanie, Dermie, Dave, AK, Paudie in Douglas
Seanie, Dermie, Dave, AK, Paudie in Douglas

Every now and again you have to let off steam and thats what we just did in Barry's pub in Douglas on Saturday night. Here the campaign team along with local Labour members and many of my friends in Cork gathered for a chat and a few drinks. You could call it a campaign social evening!

I really enjoyed it and to be honest it was badly needed (:

The campaign team are working so hard, it is unbelievable and I really do see the benefits of being organised early in the campaign. We are going flat out for months now, so it was an opportune time to take some 'down time'.

I believe in the Labour party. I always have. I have been involved since I was 16 and now I am 33, that means for over half my life time I have been some way working for the party, whether as a foot soldier, in the youth wing as Chair, on the Executive, on the General Election Committees, setting policy, organising party finances or now as a candidate. In that time I have met many of the party members and I feel that I have a great relationship with them. I believe they respect my record and that they will campaign for me so much because of that. The Labour party is made up of the most decent, honourable people I have ever met and will ver meet - I'm constantly saying this.

There were many of these people in Barry's. Members, TDs, Councillors who have been around the Labour party for many years and some members who have only recently joined - all mixing together.

Also there were many of my friends that I have known for many years. Some from Tipperary, others from Cork. Many of them I met in UCC and we have remained friends ever since. Their personal support is invaluable to me.

So a great night was had by all - the hair was let down (a little bit) and we went back on the road the following morning.

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