Labour at 24% in Latest MRBI Irish Times Poll

Posted by Alan Kelly on February 12, 2009 at 11:24 PM

With Joan and Eamon
With Joan and Eamon

Great news from the latest Irish TImes MRBI poll in Feb 13th edition.

The poll was carried out on Monday and Tuesday, with a sample of 1,000 voters around the country.

It shows Fianna Fáil support down 5% to 22%, behind Fine Gael, 32% and we in the Labour party are up to 24%, which is a 10% increase, while our party leader Eamon Gilmore has the highest approval rating of any leader in the country.

The poll is a testament to the work being carried out by the party at national and local level. We were the first party to produce an economic stimulus plan and many of our suggestions are being now taken up by other parties as their policies.

It also shows that leadership of Eamon Gilmore has been outstanding and he is leading a very united and energetic team. I want to see Labour leading a Government very soon and I want a Labour Taoiseach. We are certainly heading in the right direction on those two counts.

This will be a great boost to everyone, especially local election/Euro candidates and most of all the troops on the ground.

February is the Labour party's recruitment month, so come and join us in changing our country in a positive way.

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